inventures panel picture

HBI in the Community

April through June 2024

Hotchkiss Brain Institute showcased neuro innovations at Inventure$ and BIO 2024

The Hotchkiss Brain Institute spearheaded crucial innovation activities last month participating in two events: Inventure$ in Calgary and Bio in San Diego.

The Inventure$ panel "Neurovation: Investing in the Future of NeuroTech," aimed to illuminate the latest advancements in neuroscience technology, inviting attendees to explore and invest in ground-breaking neuroscience innovations. The presentation featured prominent figures in the field, including Dr. Dion Kelly, Dr. Neil Duggal, and Mr. Mike Duong. Dr. Lawrence Korngut moderated the discussion, guiding the conversation on how these advancements could be harnessed for transformative impacts in neurotechnology. Attendees gained insights into the potential of these innovations to revolutionize neuroscience, with opportunities to invest, collaborate, and drive the future of the field forward.

Following Inventure$, the HBI traveled to San Diego to BIO 2024, one of the largest biotechnology conferences globally. With over 30,000 attendees, BIO 2024 featured more than 100 sessions across 18 focus areas, offering a platform for discussions among leading biotechnology companies, investors, service providers, government officials, regulators, and patient advocates. The Hotchkiss Brain Institute aimed to build partnerships, foster industry collaborations, and connect researchers with vital resources at BIO 2024.

Their presence underscored a commitment to advancing innovative therapies and leveraging the latest insights in neuroscience to drive. Through these efforts, the Institute continues to position itself at the forefront of neurotech innovation, dedicated to shaping a future where ground-breaking therapies and technologies transform patient outcomes.

HBI Research Day and Taste of Discovery

Our institute also hosted our 20th annual Research Day and Taste of Discovery, both events featuring 20 years of impact and innovation in brain and mental health research. Research Day showcased a keynote talk by Dr. Kenneth Maynard titled "Neuroscience research & development and beyond - Where are we?" and highlighted the excellent work of our members and trainees.

Taste of Discovery saw over 100 guests come together to celebrate the impact of philanthropy driving the future of neuroscience. Featuring stories of lived experience, and reminiscing on twenty years of research success, the annual event brought together the HBI community that has shaped the last two decades at the institute. For more details on our twenty years of impact and innovation, please visit our highlight page here.