A painted illustration shows five diverse people in the foreground, representing mental health conditions across communities, with a central person representing hope. A large, bright pink brain with yellow and pink swirls is in the background.

About MIST

Understanding physical trauma and mental health

What is MIST?

Innovative research

By advancing important transdisciplinary research to understand the effects of stress and trauma on the brain and mental health, scientists can develop new treatments.

Education & awareness

By leading community outreach programs we can share this research broadly and help educate and empower people to take action with their own mental health.

Community engagement

By actively involving the community in our research and initiatives, we can work towards advancing innovative interventions and fostering healthier outcomes. Together.

Expanding our understanding of mental health

The Mental Health Initiative for Stress and Trauma (MIST) is uncovering mysteries of the brain that surround the interplay between major depression, post-traumatic stress disorder, and post-concussion syndrome. By promoting the advancement of this research along with seeking effective prevention strategies and treatments, MIST is improving outcomes for individuals living at the intersection of brain trauma and mental health challenges. MIST aims to build awareness and deepen research to improve outcomes of, and access to, improved mental health here and around the world.

A clinician is holding an MRI film showing various views of a brain.

Mike McClay skiing with his two young kids on a mountain top, and all stopped to pose for a picture.

The legacy of Mike McClay

Learn about the life of Mike McClay, and why his family and friends partnered with UCalgary to honour his life by saving others.

Education and awareness

Translating research into public education about emotional stress, physical brain trauma and mental health is a cornerstone of the MIST mission to broaden awareness of — and destigmatize — mental health challenges. 

A doctor holds a patient's hands in a supportive way.

Mental health resources

MIST is dedicated to providing you with informative tools to assess your stress and mental wellbeing, and mental health resources if you are in crisis.

Abstract image of brain neurons that are glowing royal blue, lavender and pink.

MIST news

Discover MIST research advances, publications and successes, and how we are engaging with the community in public events to share this research broadly.

Aarnoud van Weelderen presenting from a stage at the The Macquarie Mix-Off event, with Lindsey McKay and Trevor Johnson beside him.

Become an Ambassador

You can activate change and make a meaningful impact on transforming the face of neuroscience research to save lives by becoming a MIST Ambassador.

Dr. Alex McGirr demonstrates transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) on his graduate student, showing a depiction of her brain on a monitor.

World class research

MIST foundational science is discovering fundamental markers and mechanisms for stress and trauma-related mental health conditions, whereas MIST clinical studies are exploring new treatments and solutions for depression, post-concussion syndrome, and post-traumatic stress disorder.

Abstract background

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