
Movement Disorders

Nearly 100,000 Canadians have Parkinson's disease, with approximately 5,500 new cases diagnosed each year in Canada. The Movement Disorders team, led by Dr. Davide Martino, is focused on developing the Calgary Parkinson’s Research Initiative (CaPRI), a program that will allow the team to create a centre of excellence for large-scale Parkinson’s disease clinical research studies, thus providing patients with access to the latest treatments and therapies.


Movement Disorders team leaders:
Primary Lead – Dr. Davide Martino

Movement Disorders team members:

HBI Members = **

Movement Disorders team contact:


CaPRI - Calgary Parkinson Research Initiative:
Calgary Parkinson Research Initiative (CaPRI) is a research network that will allow the University of Calgary to become a leader in basic and clinical research in the field of Parkinson’s disease (PD) and related disorders. It will facilitate understanding of the origins of the disease and its diverse symptoms, and will develop and test treatments to address them.